Sunday, 1 December 2019

Hot Potatoes

Hello again everyone. Today, I would like to introduce you to an oofline application that is useful for your teaching process. Yes, as you can see from the picture above, we will use an application called “Hot Potatoes”. Basically, in this application you will see six kinds of potatoes with different names and different functions. So, before you use this application, you need to install the application here 
Then, open the application. You will see there are six types which are:
  1. Jquiz
  2. Jcross
  3. Jmix
  4. Jcloze
  5. Jmatch
  6. The Masher
So, what is the differences between the first type and the other types? Of course, the difference is the function. In Jquiz, you can make multiple choice exercises. First, click “Jquiz” and fill the title, the question, the answers and also the feedback. Don’t forget to ‘check’ the correct one. After you finish fill all of it, click “save”.
Here is my Jquiz.

The next one is Jcross. Jcross is a tool to make a crossword. You will see many boxes there. Just simply write the right word in the small boxes and make it like a crossword. Then write the “title” and you can also add clues for each words. After that, click “save”.
Here is my Jcross.

The third one is Jmix. Jmix is a tool to make the students to re-arrange the word to become a good sentence. So, you have to fill the “title” and the “main sentence” in an incorrect order. After that you have to fill the alternative in the alternate sentences which are the word arrangement that is possible. Then, save it.
Here is my Jmix.

The fourth one is Jcloze. Jcloze is where you can make a gap-fill exercises. Basically, just write a short or a long paragraph and then block some word that will be the answer and click “gap”. If you wish to delete the gap, just block the word that you want to delete the gap and click “delete gap”. If you have finished it, save it.
Here is my Jcloze.

The fifth one is Jmatch. Jmatch is a tool to make a matching exercises. It can be synonyms or antonyms or the others. Just fill the title and the words. If you have finished it, just save it.
Here is my Jmatch.

The sixth one is The masher. The masher is a tool where you can combine all of your hot potatoes’ tools into one unit. First, open click “add files” and choose the exercises that you want to compile in it. After that, click “build unit”. Then, save it. 
Here is my The Masher.

Thursday, 28 November 2019

Microsoft Word

Hello, everyone! Today I would like share about Microsoft Word’s features. Why do I want to talk about this? Well, because the features in Microsoft Word will be very useful for you who want or need to make an article.

So, there are many styles provided in Microsoft Word. The first one is about how to add the page number. You can simply double click the header or the footer area to add the page number. But if you do it like this, the next page number will be the same as the previous page number.Therefore, you need to edit it by double-clicking the footer area and you will see many format directly. Next, click “page number” and choose “Format Page Number”. Then, a small tab will be appeared in your screen. In there, you can choose the number format. You can change it to become 1,2,3; a,b,c; or even i,ii,iii. After that, click “OK”.

However, in an article there are many kinds of pages which are the combination of i,ii,iii and 1,2,3. To continue the page number from i,ii,iii to 1,2,3, you need a little change in the method. When you want to to change the number, first you have to click “page layout” and choose “breaks” and then click “next page”. Next, you can change the page numbering by using the same method as the previous one.

Sometimes, you also need to change the orientation of your pages, but just a few of them. Then, how to do it? First, choose “page layout” column and click “breaks”. Next, click “next page” and then you may change the orientation as your wish without change the other pages’ orientation.
Then, how about making the table of contents? First, choose the format of table of content and click “custom table of content”. Then, you will see the example of table of contents inside a box and choose “option”. Then, click “OK”.

Monday, 11 November 2019


Hello friends! Have you ever had a difficulty in citing from a journal? When you write a paper and you have to include all of the references in there, but you realize that it is hard to add the reference one by one. Moreover, you may write the references in the wrong way. Therefore, in today's post I would like to introduce you about an application that will be very helpful for your journal, thesis, or anything that need citation in it. Yes! As you can see from the picture and the title of this post, today I would like to talk about Mendeley! But before that, you have to install the application first. Download here.

So, what is Mendeley?

Mendeley is a referencing management tool that allows you to easily organise and search your personal library, annotate documents and cite as you write. Mendeley’s word processor plugin works, such as Microsoft Word, Libre Office, and the others. So, in Mendeley you can import the papers or other documents from your desktop and Mendeley will captures the information of the papers, such as the author, the title, and the publisher automatically.
Then, how to use it?
First of all, you have to upload your references in PDF form to Mendeley. Then, in Microsoft Office, click "add citation". After that, click "Open Mendeley". Next, you have to find your document which you will cite and click "Cite". This will transfer the citation directly onto your word document. After that, if you want to insert bibliography, simply click "Insert bibliography". 
It's easy, right? Please try it out! See you in the next post!

Tuesday, 29 October 2019


Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk about another learning tool named Animoto. So what is animoto? Animoto is a cloud-based video creation service that allow its users to produce video from photos, video clips, and music into slideshows. Its features can make the learning process become more interesting, of course.

Then, how to create animoto?
First, you have to sign up yourself. You can also sign up by using your facebook account. Then, you will see your account page and click "create" button in the upper-right-hand corner to begin your video. 
As Animoto has two different video builders, you'll be asked which you'd like to use. Slideshow video builder or marketing video builder which allow you to make a great marketing videos. You may choose based on what you need, but in here I choose slideshow video builder. After that, you can see some templates that you can use for your video. Then add pictures, videos, or even text. You can also add music from the "music" button on the left bar. You can use the provided music or you can use your own music.
After you finished edit the slideshow, you can click "preview" to see your video in a low quality mode. If you have satisfied with the result of your video, you can click "produce" button.

Here I tried to make the video if you want to see the example of this tool. Please click the link below to see the video made by me. I hope you enjoy the video, see ya!
Preposition of Time

Monday, 21 October 2019

How To Create A Lesson Using TED-Ed

Hello everyone!
Have you ever heard about TED-Ed before?
That's okay if you don't know about it at all because today I would like to talk about TED-Ed!

So, what is TED-Ed?

TED-Ed is a website that can be used either by the teachers or the students. For the teacher, you can use it to make your own lesson. And for the student, you can discover many great animated lesson in this website!

Then, how to create TED-Ex?

It's very simple! Let's try it!

1. First, click here and register yourself as an educator. You need to register yourself so you can create your own lesson.

2. After you have registered yourself, you will be directed to the homepage. Then, click "create".
3. Next, you will see a search bar on the page. You can copy and paste the link from YouTube or you can search the video by the keywords. Remember, you have to insert a video related with your lesson.
4. Once you have selected the video, you will see your lesson template. Started with let's begin. It is where the students could see the video that you inserted. Then, 'think' where the students will see some questions. 'Dig deeper' is where the students could get any additional resources related to the lesson. The teacher can insert some links related to the lesson and more. Next is 'discuss' where the teacher give some questions that will required the students to think or even discuss about the questions either with their friends or even with the teacher. And the last is '... And finally' is where the students can review the materials.

Here is the example of my lesson in TED-Ed. Please try it out!

Demonstrative Pronouns

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Super Teacher Tools - Classroom Timer, Classroom Countdown, Interactive Dice Simulator, and Online Spinner

Hi everyone!

This post will be another long post because we will discuss about the rest of super teacher tools. They are classroom timer, classroom countdown, interactive dice simulator, and online spinner.

So, what is classroom timer? I bet you might know what is the function of this tool just by reading the tool's name. Yes! It is a timer. This tool has the same function as a stopwatch. So here is how to use this tool. First, open this website, here. You can let the timer starts from zero or you may set up the amount of the time first. The tool is starting to count the time when you have set the time. If you want to start it from zero again, just reload the page.

Here is the example of classroom timer.
classroom timer.

Next, we will talk about classroom countdown. What is classroom countdown? So, classroom countdown is also a tool to set a timer. However, in classroom countdown we can set the time first. This tool can be used to set the time when the students have a quiz or a test. Then, how to use it?  The steps are the same as the classroom timer one. Open here, and set the time in the provided boxes. Then click "Start the clock".

Here is the example of classroom countdown.
classroom countdown

Now, we will move to another tool which is Interactive dice simulator. So, what is interactive dice simulator? It is a tool that allows you to roll a dice as many as you want. In short, it is an online dice. As you know, students tend to be bored in the class if the teacher just teach, teach, and teach. As a teacher, delivering a knowledge is necessary. But sometimes we have to mix it up with a little game. Therefore, there is an interactive dice simulator that allows you to invite the students to play a dice related games.

So, how to use interactive dice simulator?

First, open Interactive dice simulator and after you open that website, you will see a picture of a dice in a box. Click "roll!" to roll the dice. If you want to remove the dice, just click the dice.

Next, we will talk about the last tool in Super Teacher Tools which is Online Spinner. Just from the name, we could know that the function of this tool is quite similar with the Interactive dice simulator.
However, in online spinner you can customize the spinner. So, first you have to open Online Spinner and you have to fill in the boxes. You can customize the name, the directions, the colors and also the labels (you don;t have to fill all of the boxes)! After you have finished it, click "Update This Spinner" and your spinner is done!

Here I tried to make the online spinner. You can try it out!
Online Spinner

Super Teacher Tools - Seating Chart Maker, Group Maker, and Random Name Generator

Hi everyone!

It will be a very long post because today I would like to talk about the other tools in Super Teacher Tools. It is called "Instant Classroom". Why is it called instant? Because this tool is helping the teacher to arrange the students fast.

So, I would like to introduce you to seating chart maker, group maker, and random name generator which have their own function. So, seating chart maker is a tool that can be used to organize the seating in the classroom. Group maker is a tool to divide the students into groups randomly and random name generator is a tool to call your students randomly. This tool will be very helpful when the students don't want to raise their hands to answer the questions or something like that.

At first, we have to input all of the students' name. As usual, go to Super Teacher Tools' website or click here and click"Create A Group Now". You have to write the groups' name and write down your email and your password in the provided space. Next, click "Create/Import New Group". Then, you will see a form there. You have to list your students' name there. And the next step is you have to click "Create class list". You can fill the names up to 100. After that, you can choose what you want to use, seating chart maker, group maker, or random name generator. 

In group maker, you can choose how many students in one group or how many groups that you want for the classroom. Then, click "Create Groups!". And this tool will divide the students randomly.

Here is the example of group maker group maker.

In seating chart maker, you will get the list of your students and their seat. You can add some empty desks if you want or click "shuffle names" if you want to change the seating arrangement.

Here is the example of  the seating chart maker Rosegold class.

And last, random name generator. You will click the "next" button and a student's name will appear on the black board randomly.

Here is the example of random name generator.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Super Teacher Tools - Speed Match

Hi everyone!

In this post I’d like to talk about speed match! It is the newest game in this Super Teacher Tools. If you remember about the other tools, actually all of them are tools to review materials. But this one is a little bit different from the others because in speed match, you will drag and drop the answers to the questions.

So, how to create Speed Match? First, open Super Teacher Tools’ website and click “Speed Match”. After that, click “Make a New Game Now!”. Next, you have to fill in the game setup as usual and click “Create This Game!”. Then, you will see there are 25 boxes there, but you don’t have to fill all the boxes. Write down your questions in the description boxes and your answer in answer boxes. When you are done, click “Save Game Changes” and click “Play/View This Game Now!”.


If you want your students to play this game, just simply share your game’s link to the students. Very easy, right?

I have tried create speed match game about synonym in English. Here is my link! Let’s try making it!

Super Teacher Tools - Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Hi everyone!

As you can see from the title, today we will talk about Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. I bet you know about this game. If not, let’s do a brainstorming!

Do you still remember the famous tv shows “Who wants to be a millionaire”? Yes! Basically, this game is similar with the famous tv shows! So it is a review game with three lifelines and accomodate questions up to 15 questions.

So, how to create this game?

Of course you have to open “Super Teacher Tools” website first and click “Who Want To Be A Millionaire” game. Still same as the others game, click “Create a New Game Now!”. Then, as usual you have to fill setup information and click “Create My Game Now”. You have to add 15 questions and 4 possible answers. If the students answer correctly, they will get a point. However, how much the point will be? It is up to the teacher. Yes! The teacher will decide how much point for each correct answer. After you have finished it all, click ‘Save Game Progress’.

Finish! A very simple yet fun game!

Are you excited to play this game?

Here is my link for “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” game. Let’s try it out!

Super Teacher Tools - Multiplayer Rocket Review Game

Hi everyone!

In the previous post I have talked about the first teacher’s tool and today I would like to tell you more about the other tool. So I’d like to talk about Multiplayer Rocket Review Game. Could you imagine what kind of game is this?

So basically Multiplayer Rocket Review Game is a game that focuses more on Mathematics lesson. This tyoe of game is very beneficial for the Mathematics teacher.

To create this game, of course you have to open the Super Teacher Tools’ website first and then you have to click “Multiplayer Rocket Review Game”. Click “Create A New Game Now!” and fill the setup information. Next, you have to set the rules for this game. As you remember that this game is made focuses more on the mathematics lesson, so this game provides you addition, substraction, multiplication and division. You can use all of them in your game.

So, in this game, every time the students answer correctly, the rocket will move forward and vice versa. The teacher can determine how many correct answers that the students get. After you have finished set up the rules, click “Create My Game Now!”. There will be a code appear and it is your game code. You will use this code to ask your students to participate in this game.

So, here is the game which I made. Please see and try it out.

Monday, 14 October 2019

Super Teacher Tools – Jeopardy Style Review Game

Hello everyone!

We meet again! As I said in the latest post, I will talk about the tools in Super Teacher Tools and today I will talk about the first tool which is Jeopardy Style Review Game.

Jeopardy Style Review Game has been designed for reviewing the materials in the classroom. It is a perfect tool for reviewing the materials because this tool is very fun and very interactive. You can use Jeopardy as a quiz because you can give points through the quiz. And the students can choose any questions that they want to answer first. For your information, you can also provide many types of questions through this game.

Then, how to make this game?

First, you have to open Super Teacher Tools and then you have to scroll down. Next, you will see types of game and the first game is Jeopardy Style Review Game. Just click “create a Jeopardy Review Now”button below the logo of Jeopardy Review Game. After you click the button, it will move to Jeopardy Review Game’s page and then click “Make a New Game Now!”. Then, what you have to do is you have to fill the setup information. Then you may see “which game editor do you want to use?” question. You can choose it freely, but I suggest you to use the new version because it is easier to edit. If you have decided it, you can click “Create This Game!”

Jeopardy Review Game provides 5 column to be filled. Firstly, you have to change the name of each category. Then, you can input the questions by double clicking the number on each columns The number in each column shows the points of each question.It is the points that the students will get if they have answer the question correctly. You may also change the points when you write the questions. After you have finished making input the questions and the answers, click “Save Game File”. So, how to open this game? So you have received a link address when you first create this game and yes, it is the link of your game later.

Is it not as hard as you imagine, right? This tool may help your teaching a lot. It is also very fun game because the students like to compete with their friends, so they might follow the lesson so they could answer each question correctly.

Please try making it too! Here is my Jeopardy Game’s link!

Super Teacher Tools

Hello everyone!
So in the last post, I have talked about Google Forms and It was not an educational tools, though. Therefore, today I would like to talk about one of the educational tool named Super Teacher Tools! So as you can see through its name, Super Teacher Tools provides many programs to help you in your teaching! How could this website help you? So, they provide many kinds of fun classroom activities or management materials. And more importantly, it is free! Yes, free! You can use all kinds of programs here and you don’t have to sign up first to use those programs! Very convenient, right?
So I would like to introduce you to the 11 tools here and you can click each tool to see the details of the tools:
Seems fun, right?
Please click the name of the tool to see how to create it! Thank you!

Saturday, 12 October 2019 : Shorten Your Links!

Hello everyone!

In the previous post, I have talked about Google Forms. If you have tried to make your own Google Forms, you might notice that the link of your Google Forms was pretty long, right? Sometimes, it’s hard to copy-paste the link. You might accidentally adding some alphabets and your Google Forms won’t be found! If you have experienced this, you might wonder how to shorten your Google Forms link.

That’s why I wrote this post today!

I would like to introduce to all of you!

So, what is is a website where you can shorten any URL that you think is too long. It short link is redirect you to the original link. However, when you change your original link to, the name is still in random words and numbers. But don’t worry because you can custom your link as you desire.

Then, how to change the link in

For your information, if you want to use Bitly for the sake of shortening a link so it’s easier to share, you can do that without signing up as a user, but if you’d like to keep your shortened links organized, access your links again in the future and track clicks on those links, then signing up for a free user account is probably a good idea. So what you have to do first is you need to sign up using your email address. After you signing up, you will directly go to the homepage. So you will see the “create” button next to the search column at the top, then click it. After that, you just have to paste your original link and click “create”. After that, you will see the “title” column and “customize back half” column. For the tilte column, you may write the title of your Google Forms so the respondents may notice that they are in the right page and for the customize back half column is where you can customize your’s link. After you customize it, click “save” and finish!

It is so easy, right?

Please try it out and you may be surprised by its easiness!

Here is my link for your reference. See ya!