Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Super Teacher Tools - Classroom Timer, Classroom Countdown, Interactive Dice Simulator, and Online Spinner

Hi everyone!

This post will be another long post because we will discuss about the rest of super teacher tools. They are classroom timer, classroom countdown, interactive dice simulator, and online spinner.

So, what is classroom timer? I bet you might know what is the function of this tool just by reading the tool's name. Yes! It is a timer. This tool has the same function as a stopwatch. So here is how to use this tool. First, open this website, here. You can let the timer starts from zero or you may set up the amount of the time first. The tool is starting to count the time when you have set the time. If you want to start it from zero again, just reload the page.

Here is the example of classroom timer.
classroom timer.

Next, we will talk about classroom countdown. What is classroom countdown? So, classroom countdown is also a tool to set a timer. However, in classroom countdown we can set the time first. This tool can be used to set the time when the students have a quiz or a test. Then, how to use it?  The steps are the same as the classroom timer one. Open here, and set the time in the provided boxes. Then click "Start the clock".

Here is the example of classroom countdown.
classroom countdown

Now, we will move to another tool which is Interactive dice simulator. So, what is interactive dice simulator? It is a tool that allows you to roll a dice as many as you want. In short, it is an online dice. As you know, students tend to be bored in the class if the teacher just teach, teach, and teach. As a teacher, delivering a knowledge is necessary. But sometimes we have to mix it up with a little game. Therefore, there is an interactive dice simulator that allows you to invite the students to play a dice related games.

So, how to use interactive dice simulator?

First, open Interactive dice simulator and after you open that website, you will see a picture of a dice in a box. Click "roll!" to roll the dice. If you want to remove the dice, just click the dice.

Next, we will talk about the last tool in Super Teacher Tools which is Online Spinner. Just from the name, we could know that the function of this tool is quite similar with the Interactive dice simulator.
However, in online spinner you can customize the spinner. So, first you have to open Online Spinner and you have to fill in the boxes. You can customize the name, the directions, the colors and also the labels (you don;t have to fill all of the boxes)! After you have finished it, click "Update This Spinner" and your spinner is done!

Here I tried to make the online spinner. You can try it out!
Online Spinner

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